Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Multidisciplinary Team Meetings
Tuesdays weekly 7.30am – 9.00am
Wendy Poon
Email [email protected]
Meiling Zhou
Email [email protected]
Ph 03 8559 5000
Dr Tsien Fua
Method of referral:
Referral to a consultant member of the MDT
Medical Specialities:
Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology, Plastic Surgery, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Pathology, Endocrinology (for relevant cases) Dental Oncology
Allied Health:
Speech pathology, Nursing, Radiation Therapy Services
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
305 Grattan Street
VIC 3000
(03) 8559 5000